The Work of Writing VI
prior to our short summer break we had been talking about historical periods, settings, plot and conflict, all of which are
important elements in historical fiction. The issue of plot is of course vital for all fiction, and it was in its relationship
to plot that we discussed conflict. In the July column I pointed out that history is piled high with conflict, and that makes
it relatively easy to find a plot, and therefore a story, that will attract and engage your readers. Having discovered such
a potential story, however, what do you do next?
take an actual example. The Napoleonic Wars of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries represent conflict on a
massive scale. War is conflict by definition. Within the ebb and flow of military adventures there are also innumerable conflicts
on a level less overwhelming than the war itself. Political intrigue, disputes and disagreements amongst military leaders
and the unfortunate lot of the common people entangled in the war through no fault of their own all form good story possibilities
based on conflict.
given these historical events were real, what is the difference between the work of fiction you want to create and a history
answer to that question lies in a single word: imagination. Through the
exercise of your imagination as an author you are able to do what no historian can do. You make the historical context come
alive through the addition of characters. Not all the characters need be fictitious of course; you can make use of real people,
but even if you do you bring them alive by giving them a tangible personality, unique habits of behavior and speech and so
in our Napoleonic example there are innumerable opportunities to generate plots and stories, and once you have made your choice,
your next task – to answer our earlier question - is to turn loose the power of your imagination. Many biographies and
novels have been written about Napoleon himself covering the entire spectrum from military to romantic intrigue, but you still
have an additional option not open to the historian. Through imagination you have the ability to give life to people who never
actually existed, and in so doing you are able to create new dimensions to the war as a whole, to particular battles and campaigns
and to the lives of soldiers and civilians alike.
ability forms the basis of the fascination so many people have with historical fiction. Through this creative freedom, you,
the writer, can literally bring the human dimension of historical events right into the minds of your readers and make those
events real.
with our example we can think of the best-selling novels by Bernard Cornwell ( which chronicle the personal adventures
of a certain Richard Sharpe during the Spanish and Portuguese periods of the Napoleonic conflict. Richard Sharpe is an ordinary
soldier who has the great good fortune to have an opportunity to save the life of the British Lord Wellington (later the Duke
of Wellington), the supreme commander of the anti-French forces. In recognition of his heroism, Sharpe is given a commission
as an officer and Cornwell follows his career throughout the war in a series of novels that were ultimately made into movies
for television.
Cornwell does is frame his stories within recognized historical events and populates them with colorful characters such as
Sharpe himself and his friend Sergeant-Major Harper. The manner of his promotion, that is to say, the fact that he is not
a gentleman, brings Sharpe into conflict with the officer class and even with some of his own men. Cornwell adds romance
to the mix along with battles and vivid military action, stirs it all well and comes up with some of the best historical fiction
of its kind. I recommend any of Cornwell’s books to anyone who wants to see how fictitious characters and events can
be woven into wonderful stories set against the background of real, documented historical events and personalities. Cornwell
brings all those momentous events down to a personal level. He makes them live
through the power of imagination.