ByLine Seeking
mainstream, literary, humor, all genres. For fiction pays $100 for 2-4k words; Nonfiction (instructive or motivational
articles for writers), $75 for 1.5-1.8k; First Sale, $20 for 250-300 words; End Piece (essay related to writing), 700
words, $35; Departments (Only When I Laugh, 100-600 words; Great American Bookstores!, 500-600 words), $15-40; poetry (must
deal with the subject of writing -- writer's block, "the muse", and inspiration that comes in the middle of the night
have been overdone), $10 Submission Guidelines: http://www.bylinemag.com/guide.htm
Beyond Centauri Handles:
Publishes: Articles; Fiction; Nonfiction; Poetry; Areas include: Fantasy; Horror; Science; Sci-Fi; Short Stories; Technology;
Children's Market Fiction limit: 2,000 words maximum Poetry limit: 50 lines maximum Articles limit: 500 words
maximum Payment: Yes – $5 for stories; $2 for poems; $1 for articles. Send submissions
in the body of an email or as an RTF attachment. Target age-range is loosely 9-15. Any horror should be mild – think
bugs and slimy things rather than blood and gore. No adult language or adult content. Material is generally written by adults,
but also likes to encourage children to write for as well as read the magazine. Articles up to 500 words on science, technology,
space, etc. are also considered. Contact Editor(s): Tyree Campbell Address: PO Box
782 Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52406-0782 United States Email: beyondcentauri@samsdotpublishing.com Website: http://www.samsdotpublishing.com
Boys' Life http://www.boyslife.org/about/contributors/writers.pdf"We cover everything from professional sports to
American history to how to pack a canoe. A look at a current list of the BSA's more than 100 merit badge pamphlets gives
an idea of the wide range of subjects possible. Even better, look at a year's worth of recent issues."
~ C ~
CHRISTIAN HOME AND SCHOOL http://community.gospelcom.net/Brix?pageID=2998--- Christian Home & School is published by Christian Schools International for parents who send
their children to Christian schools. The magazine aims to promote Christian education and to address a wide range of
parenting topics. We pay $175-$250 upon publication, depending on the length of the edited article. We prefer to buy first
rights only. We also look for brief parenting tips of 100 to 250 words for our Parentstuff pages and pay $25 to $40 for these. Features
are 1000-2000 words.
Children's Better
Health Institute PAY:
$.12 - $.22/word We at the Children's Better Health Institute have a constant need for high quality stories, articles,
and activities with health related stories, articles, and activities with health-related themes. "Health" is a broad
topic that includes exercise, sports, safety, nutrition, hygiene, and drug education. Health information can be presented
in a variety of formats, including fiction, nonfiction, poems, recipes, and puzzles. Fiction stories with a health message
need not have health as the primary subject, but they should include it in some way in the course of events. Characters in
fiction should adhere to good health practices, unless failure to do so is necessary to a story's plot. http://www.cbhi.org/cbhi/writersguidelines.shtml
Dame Lisbet Throckmorton Fiction
Contest Fiction Deadline: 30th September 2005 Fees: $15 for one entry. Prizes: $500 for first
place. $100, $50, $25.
Original short fiction 3,500 words or less. The
contest honors both novice and advanced writers needing an outlet for the creative voice. Contact:
P.O. Box 399
Dark Markets
now open for submissions
Fables http://www.fables.org Looking for Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, and other genres. They also accept
retelling of folktales from all parts of the world. Short Shorts up to 1000 words. Short stories to 7500 words and Novellettes 7500
to 17500 words. Pays $5-$10 per story. Submission Guidelines: http://www.fables.org/submissions.html
Family Fun This highly popular parenting magazine looks for parent's wisdom of how
to cook in the kitchen with your children, how to get them to eat healthy, etc. and pays $75 for your tips. Send your great
ideas along with your daytime phone number to mgied.familyfun@disney.com or send to Family Fun, My Great Idea: From Our Readers Editor, 244 Main Street, Northhampton, MA 01060
FFWA Children's Literature
Contest Fiction Deadline: 15th March 2006 Fees: $10 for one entry. (Under 3,000 words). 3,000-5,000
words, $20. Members enter for half price. Prizes: $100 for first place. $75; $50.
For a children's story, poem, or item of nonfiction,
up to 5,000 words.
PO Box A,
Lullaby Hearse is seeking poetry, art and fiction with a focus on vivid imagery
and clear prose. Writing should be within the realm of the experimental and there are no taboos--sexually or violently
graphic material is welcome when done in interesting ways. Work can vary from stark realism to nightmare landscapes,
but contributers are encouraged not to be dull or fantastical. Maximum payment for fiction is $10-15 and $5 for reviews.
Poetry pays a fixed rate of $5/poem, or $5 for the first and $3 for each additional poem if a contributer is asked to
be featured. Alternative art and photography is welcome and pays $5-10 per piece. All contributers will receive one
copy. Submission Guidelines: http://www.lullabyhearse.com/guidelines.html
Milkweed Prize for Children's Literature http://www.milkweed.org/2_1_2.htmlEntries Close: Ongoing Milkweed Editions is pleased to announce its writing competition for
quality children's novels intended for readers in the 8-13 age group. This competition is part of Milkweed's children's
book publishing program for middle-graders. Prize: Judging will be by Milkweed Editions, and the winner of the prize
will receive a $5,000 cash advance on any royalties agreed upon in the contractual arrangement negotiated at the time
of acceptance. Submissions should adhere to our children's literature guidelines at http://www.milkweed.org/2_1_2.html
Over My Dead Body http://www.overmydeadbody.comPlease query (by mail or e-mail) before sending manuscripts. Your query letter should include
the title of the story, word count, type of story (cozy, hardboiled, psychological suspense, crime, etc.), and an
SASE or e-mail address, for our response. Pays $.01/word for fiction. Submission Guidelines: http://www.overmydeadbody.com/wguide20.htm
~ S ~
Spinetingler Magazine Publishes: Fiction; Reviews; Crime; Fantasy; Horror; Mystery; Sci-Fi; Short Stories; Suspense; Thrillers;
limit: 6000 words maximum Articles limit: 2000 words maximum
Publishes both emerging and established authors. 2005
Fall Canadian content issue will be available on site for download for free.
An innovative magazine that wants to promote
emerging and established writers. Email: info@spinetinglermag.comWebsite: http://www.spinetinglermag.com
http://www.scrybepress.com/submissionguidelines.htmlScrybe Press is now accepting submissions of short fiction in the horror, fantasy or science fiction genres.
At the current time, we are accepting submissions from authors with at least 1 published sale or membership in
either the HWA or SFWA. Unpublished authors who wish to submit work for consideration must obtain permission first (please
email editor@scrybepress.com)
If you wish to submit a story for consideration, please email editor@scrybepress.com with your name, story title, genre (roughly), word count, and very brief synopsis, with the subject 'Intent to Submit:'
and the story title. Then, email the submission as a seperate email with the subject 'Submission:' and the story title
with the document attached. Our preferred format is .doc or .rtf. Other formats are acceptable but please ask first.
We ask for the double email to help insure that we are receiving all submissions properly and that we have the necessary
information. You do not need to await a response between the preliminary email ('Intent to Submit') and the followup ('Submission')
Alternatively, you can mail your submission in standard manuscript format to
Scrybe Press Attn: Editor 15
Cook St Massena, NY 13662
We publish stories/novels in three different formats
1 - Staple-Bound Chapbooks
- between 5000 and 20,000 words (approx) - pays $50 plus 10% on gross sales 2 - In our Free Fiction section - currently
paying 1c per word up to $25.00 3 - Trade Paperbacks - paying a maximum of $200 advance plus 10% on gross sales.
Word counts 25,000 & up.
All formats are also published as ebooks. Both our chapbooks and our trade paperbacks
feature glossy covers, professional cover art, ISBNs, Books In Print listings, and wide distribution.
We also will
be publishing short fiction (less than 2,000 words) in our quarterly catalogs as a bonus to our customers. As these are
given away, payment is per word, no royalties on the print version. Can be combined with Free Fiction/Ebook contracts
as a complete rights package that pays a combo rate and royalties.
Woman's Day This highly popular woman's interest magazine
uses reader's tips throughout its vast pages of articles on love, money management, decorating, family rearing, etc. Any tips
that will help women best utilize their time, energy and resources could be eligible for a $50 payment if chosen for
publication. Think of some of your best time-saving cooking tips or ways to sneak vegetables and fiber into the foods you
cook and send your tips to tiptalk@hfmus.com or jot them down on a postcard only and mail to Tip Talk, Woman's Day, 1633 Broadway, New York, NY 10019.
Zoetrope: All-Story http://www.zoetrope-stories.comZoetrope: All-Story considers submissions of stories and one-act plays under 7,000 words; screenplays, treatments,
and excerpts from larger works are not accepted. First serial rights and a film option are required. Submissions accompanied
by an SASE will receive a response within five months. Send to 1350 Avenue of the Americas, 24th Floor, New York, NY 10019.
The magazine does not accept submissions from June 1 through August 31.
Dream Quest One Poetry & Writing Contest is open to everyone! This competition welcomes anyone who loves to arrange
words into beautiful art or to write a short story that is worth telling. And to all who have the ability to dream. Write
a poem or short story for a chance to win cash prizes. All works must be original. http://www.dreamquestone.com
Write a poem, thirty
lines or fewer on any subject, style, or form, typed or neatly hand printed.
And/or write a short
story, five pages maximum length, on any subject or theme, creative writing fiction or non-fiction (including essay compositions,
diary, journal entries and screenwriting). Also, must be typed or neatly hand printed.
Multiple poetry
and short story entries are accepted.
July 31, 2008
All winners will
be announced on August 31, 2008
Writing Contest
First Prize is $500. Second Prize: $250. Third Prize: $100.
Poetry Contest First
Prize is $250. Second Prize: $125. Third Prize: $50.
Entry fees:
Writing Contest
entry fee: $10 per short story submitted.
Poetry Contest entry
fee: $5 per poem.
send entries: Include title(s) with your story (ies) or poem(s), along with your name, address, phone#, email, brief biographical
info. (Tell us a little about yourself), on the coversheet. Add a self-addressed stamped envelope for entry confirmation.
Mail entries/fees payable to: “Dreamquestone.Com”
Dream Quest
& Writing Contest
P.O. Box
Chicago, IL 60654
Visit http://www.dreamquestone.com for further details or to enter!