Mother Hen's Bin:
Lea Schizas is
a multi-published, award-winning author & editor. She is the founder of the Writer's Digest 101 Best Writing Site
of 2005 The MuseItUp Club, an online critique community. She is also founder of another Writer's Digest Site, Apollo's Lyre, a writing Zine loaded with publication venues, contest and agent listings, stories and poems to read, writing articles,
book reviews and more.
Lea is also Submissions Editor & Editor in Chief for
Red Rose Publishing, and editor with Double Dragon Publishing, Swimming Kangaroo Books, 4RV Publishing and recently with Damnation
Books. She also runs her own editing services for authors.
Mother Hen's Bin will be a little
of this and a little of that seeing Lea dabbles in a little of this and a little of that. Being an author/agent/editor/publicist,
Lea will bring you an array of topics not covered by the other departments in The Muse Marquee.
Susan Stephenson is an Australian writer who
has been published at Writer’s Hood, Absolute Write, Flashshots, Nimue’s Grotto and The Traveler.
She has written two books for middle-readers, currently percolating in her desk drawer while she travels in Canada.
After 25 years teaching in Australia, Susan decided to teach and travel in China in 2003-2004. Communicating
with children who didn’t speak her language was a challenge which definitely enhanced Susan’s mime skills and
affirmed her desire to write in English.
Susan is excited about the Muselings column in the Muse Marquee. She loves learning about the craft
of writing and sharing that knowledge with other passionate writers. Susan belongs to the Magic Words critique group, part
of the Muse-It-Up club, and credits her group with supporting her through the first draft of her novels. She looks forward
to getting to know the Muse Marquee readers as they enjoy both writing and publication. Susan can be contacted at muselings@yahoo.com.au
Between Writer and Pen
Boeder Johnson is a published author who creates stories and novels in genres from sci-fi and fantasy to crime and historical
drama. A graduate of the University of Wisconsin with a BS in English, Dawn has always been a writer at heart, even while
she worked as a graphic designer, marketing professional, and museum director. These diverse career paths created opportunities
to explore many subjects and fueled her imagination. Two of her stories placed highly in the 2009 Writer’s Digest Short
Short Story Competition and were published in the anthology. Her stories and essays have been featured in The Muse Marquee.
When she’s not writing, Dawn offers editing and other services through www.word-edge.com and teaches courses on FanStory.com.
Up From Down Under:
Les Stephenson lives
a relaxed lifestyle in a regional city on the beautiful east coast of Australia. He enjoyed a rewarding career
in vocational education and training, writing curriculum for the governments of Queensland (Australia), Papua New Guinea and
The Kingdom of Tonga. His learning materials in the field of accounting and financial management have been published
by the Australian National Training Authority, the Open Learning Institute and FlexiLearn.
Since retiring
from his former career, Les has written several prize winning stories and poems on FanStory.com (where he is a Professional
author and Recognized Reviewer). He offers general writing and editing services on his website www.coffscoastwriters.com.
Worlds Apart:
Retired after a thirty-two year academic career, Charles Mossop now lives on Vancouver Island where he writes historical fiction, works
in his garden and continues his study of classical guitar. Thanks to his background in anthropology and oriental studies,
his work as a university teacher and administrator involved travel throughout the world including over fifty visits to China,
Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, South Asia and Europe. A lover of mystery stories, his flash fiction has appeared in Flashshot
(http://flashshot.tripod.com) and his short story “Magistrate Lin and the Testimony of the Household Gods” will soon
appear in “Over My Dead Body,” (http://www.overmydeadbody.com).
Charles’s stories are usually
set in fifteenth century China or eighteenth century Europe, and in the latter case he specializes in maritime history and
life aboard wooden-walled ships of war. As he says, “Murder and intrigue can be found everywhere; all you have
to do is select a place to put them.” You can reach Charles at cmossop@telus.net, and he’s always happy to chat.
WORLDS APART will be a column devoted to the tools, techniques
and research methods a writer can use to describe other worlds—historical, fantasy or speculative. Look for discussions
around the elements used to create, or re-create, social and cultural contexts within which action can be set, and ways to
keep your other worlds consistent, believable and authentic. In this column you’ll discover how to find plots
and stories in historical events, and use myth and legend to add color and depth to your historical or fantasy fiction.
So open your mind, turn up your imagination and come on
an odyssey through time.
Poets Corner
Chris Ivins loves
poetry. After a career in the administrative areas of State Government and private enterprise she escaped from Sydney to the
town of Grenfell , the birthplace of the famous Australian poet, Henry Lawson. Now, four and a half years later, she’s
currently Poet-in-Residence at a local venue under the umbrella of the Australian Poetry Centre. Recently, two poems she
submitted in a local contest (Grenfell Henry Lawson Festival Poetry Contest) were given the honours of Highly Commended
and Commended. Chris writes under the “handle” of “alpacalady” on FanStory where she is a Professional
level poet, and where she nurtures her mantra on a daily basis: “The power of the pen is mightier than a sharp tongue.”
When not busy with verse, Chris encourages a small herd of alpacas to enjoy breeding and producing a cash flow.
In each issue of The Muse Marquee, readers will have an opportunity
to email our Editors with comments on their columns. We welcome and encourage this exchange. If you have any questions you
would like to pose to our Editors, feel free to drop them a line.
The Muse Marquee Editors are looking forward to your comments
and questions in each and every issue.
Copyright © 2008 by The Muse Marquee. All rights reserved. All authors hold individual ownership & copyrights of any material contributed. No unauthorized
usage of any published material within the Muse Marquee unless permission is first granted by copyright owner of said material. |