Poppacrit is still looking for a hook that hooks.
Here's your chance to win US$15.00 (payable through PayPal) and have your 500 word beginning to a novel or story critiqued
in a forthcoming edition of The Muse Marquee.
Do you have the courage to submit to Poppacrit’s red pen?
Poppacrit will choose
the best submission made and reluctantly give money away. He’s bored, and looking for something he can read
without a seizure.
Placate him!
Entertain him!
The contest deadline is 30
November, 2009.
Submit entries by email to: poppacrit@gmail.com All entries must use the subject line: PLEASE CRIT ME CONTEST. Emails not showing the
correct subject line may be deleted.
Hooks should be ATTACHMENTS in Arial or Times New Roman font, as doc or rtf files. Include your name and contact
details above the title.