An Interview with Australian Author, Sandy Fussell
At the Book Chook blog,
I reviewed Sandy's first book in
the Samurai Kids series, White Crane (Walker Books Australia, 2008). I've read and reviewed Sandy's Polar Boy, which
has been shortlisted for a CBCA award. Currently, Sandy is promoting her latest book in the Samurai Kids series, Monkey Fist.
Susan: One of the things that most fascinates
me about you, Sandy, is the extreme lengths you went to, to help your son stay a reader, and how that led to you becoming
a children’s author. Can you tell us the story?
Sandy: I became a children’s
author by accident. My elder son stopped reading in 2003 when he was ten. Like all good parents, I panicked and tried everything
to get him to read. I gave him books from every genre. He said they were all boring. So I convinced him to write a story that
wasn’t boring. I took dictation. His story was based on his playground friends and people were mutilated, murdered and
came back to life depending on what happened in the day’s handball game. Half way through, the main character just disappeared
because ‘I don’t like girls anymore’. It was so frustrating. So random. However, I didn’t interfere.
That would have defeated the whole purpose but by the time it was done, I couldn’t wait to write my own story.
I wrote nine manuscripts for practice.
I showed number 8 to a few people and the feedback was promising. Number 9 was Samurai Kids which was accepted in 2006 and
became my first novel (published in 2008). My second novel was Polar Boy, completed that same year. I aim to write
two manuscripts a year. I have since written three more Samurai Kids titles, and Mexica Runner which will be published
in March 2010. Two more Samurai Kids books are contracted, another historical novel and a picture book. Unfortunately only
the picture book has been written so far, but I am scribbling away!
[Footnote : My elder son never returned
to being a voracious reader yet he did continue to read sporadically. A few weeks ago he brought me a book and insisted I
read it because he liked it so much – first time ever! And to my surprise it was exactly the sort of book I read when
I was a teenager. The wheel has turned.]
Susan: Wow, it just amazes me that you've
gone from a mum scribbling down stories to encourage her son to read, to being a multi-published, and much-loved children's
author in so short a time! And your second son also had a considerable impact on your writing?
Sandy: Samurai Kids began life as a stand
alone manuscript. Six months later the decision was made to extend it to a series and to illustrate it. Book 1 was re-titled
White Crane. I began Book 2, Owl Ninja, based on an idea from my younger son. After I read White Crane
to him he asked me: Where are the ninjas mum? But before I could think of a clever response – because at this stage
there was no inkling of a book 2 - he answered: I know, they’re in book 2.” Big joke! But when I was asked if
I had an idea for Book 2 – I stopped laughing and started talking about ninjas! There has been quite a cost associated
with this. I have discovered creative consultation is not cheap. My younger son is still negotiating for his ‘cut’
and he’s a good businessman. I tried to convince him to take a flat rate but he wants a percentage!
Susan: I guess not every parent is prepared
to become a children's author, though. Can you share some other things you did or do to motivate your reluctant reader?
Sandy: I still read to my
younger son every night. He loves stories but he hates reading because at the moment, it is too much like hard work. But as
we persevere and his reading improves, I hope the love of story will begin to lead him. A wonderful idea I found in Paul Jennings’
The Reading Bug was to approach reading as a peer group issue. I never thought of it like that. His suggestion was
to ensure your emerging reader kept up with what everyone else was reading or talking about. In other words, read him Harry
Potter, Zac Power and lots of Andy Griffiths so he can continue to be part of the peer reading scene. Interactive books are
great fun as is reading in turns. Merchandised books also have special appeal. And that’s another key point. To get
a kid to read you have to give them something they want to read, not something you want them to read. I’ll climb off
my soapbox now *grin*
Susan: Sandy, I think the
reason your Samurai Kids books have been so well-received is quite simply because kids love them. They're full of action,
humour, an incredibly authentic setting, and characters kids can relate to. What's it like to meet young fans?
Sandy: For most children’s authors
(and sadly this includes me!) the financial return is not enough to give up the day job. But the privilege of spending time
with kids is a huge reward and something I actively pursue. It’s enormous fun. I love school visits. One of the highlights
of my writing life was when I was Guest of Honour at the Henry Lawson Festival in 2008 and the street parade included a local
school dressed up as Samurai Kids. When they stopped, bowed and hailed me as Sensei, I bawled my eyes out. That was the end
of me pretending to be all official and literary for the morning.
I love getting emails and letters
and I have a forum – still in its infancy – where I interact with young readers on a daily basis. You can find
it at the Samurai Kids website. We talk
a lot about writing and I provide tips and hints. We also discuss martial art related topics. And Samurai Kids of course.
Susan: In real life you work in Information
Technology. How has this impacted on you as a children’s author?
Sandy: At first it sent
me down the wrong track as I thought I would ‘write what I know’ and I wrote a techno fantasy (one of the practice
manuscripts) - but it wasn’t very good. My writing improved when I began to ‘write what I love.’ But my
experience in Information Technology has been invaluable in helping me provide add-ons for my books. I have three websites
– a general author site, a site dedicated to the Samurai
Kids series
which includes quizzes, trading cards to print, educational resources (such as craft activities, a newsletter, fact sheets,
a web quest, classroom play) and a forum, and a blog spot where
I exercise my love and support for children’s literature. I have recently produced a Teacher Resource Kit for classroom
use with Polar Boy during Book Week. These resources include notes and Interactive Whiteboard activities - two quizzes,
a game and a drag and drop story map. They can be downloaded from my site. I am
currently teaching myself simple game programming so I can work on a Samurai Kids game concept and I rather like the idea
of modifying hangman to include a samurai executioner.
Susan: Sandy, (or Sensei as I now think
of you!), you've given us so much to think about. I like the Paul Jennings idea about peer group reading – if kids can
keep up, and enter into discussions with their friends, chances are their friends might also motivate them to read independently
at some stage. I love that you are still reading to your son, and I love the great resources you provide at your web sites.
Thanks for giving us these insights into your life as a parent and a writer.
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The Book Chook Blog
Muselings editor, Susan Stephenson, likes to think her Book Chook blog is where children's literacy and
literature collide. She brings parents tips to encourage their kids to read, write and communicate, posts book reviews and
author interviews, and shares her passion for great writing and new technology.
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next issue, write on!