If there’s something strange
in your brain’s grey matter,
Where ya gonna go?
If there’s something weird
Lurkin’ in ya mind,
Where ya gonna go?
Yes Sirree, get that ghost story right out of your mind and onto a screen at Imagine the screams
of appreciative horror when reviewers get their eyes on it.
In fact, you can post romance, westerns, war and history, spiritual, or any other genre of story at this Internet
writing site. Your talent and ability as a budding author will be on display. began in 2000 when Tom Ens, a lead programmer in New York City, applied himself to developing a site for amateur authors
to hone their skills. Now catering for short story writers, novelists, poets and scriptwriters, the site boasts over 2000
members—aspiring and published writers from all over the world. It has become a community of like-minded people who
share and communicate their love for the keyboarded word.
Hundreds of stories and poems are posted each day, and thousands of review comments written on those works.
If you’re not afraid to pull that manuscript out of the locked draw and shine some light on it, FanStory is the place
to go.
I joined FanStory in 2004 after a long career in vocational education and training, which included writing
curricula and textbooks. I thought I’d like to start writing stories—fiction stories and perhaps a poem or two.
Five years later I’m still at it. You can’t beat the fun on FanStory.
Tom has just introduced writing classes. You can develop or brush up your skills in Write Flash Fiction, learn about Writing Formal Verse, or delve into
the intricacies of Engaging Readers with POV (point of view). Other courses will follow soon; all at minimal cost for online tuition over 4 - 5 weeks.
The online classes provide opportunities to:
- expand and practise your writing skills.
- broaden your knowledge from discussions and chat room participation.
- participate in directed exercises and assignments.
- receive feedback from experienced teachers and your peers.
- boost your development as a professional writer.
So: Where ya gonna go?
Oh, and I almost forgot: I teach the Write Flash Fiction course.
Les Stephenson
From Down Under - July 2009