Writing Tips To Move Your Process Forward
Lea Schizas
write! I know you’ve heard this before but editing while you write only delays THE END. Worry about editing once the
story is finished.
your Editor’s Hat you wear to eliminate such things as:
‘that’- if the sentence is clear without it, then delete it.
‘he said, stuttering’ – make it clear in your dialogue that he/she is stuttering and avoid using this in
the tagline. A dialogue must convey the meaning of the character’s thoughts/actions/moods without having to tell the
reader how he/she feels: “I…I don’t know what you’re ta…talking about.” Let the sentence
give the essence of their dialogue.
you’re one of those writers who can’t get in tune with a writing schedule then make sure you write something down
everyday, even if it’s a sentence or two. Moving your work forward when you have a chance is better than waiting for
a long quiet moment to yourself to write. That may never happen and guess what…your story will never get done. Carry
a notebook with you to write down your inspirations as they come to you wherever you go.
on a certain passage in your story? Let it go for a spell and return to it with a fresh outlook. At times, working on another
story will allow you to leave that ‘can’t think what to write next’ box you’ve placed yourself in.
look at your first draft with disappointment. This is, after all, only a first
draft, possibly riddled with typos and grammatical mistakes. The second, third, even tenth draft will tighten it up. Remember
that your first draft is like the wrinkled sheet on your bed. Slowly you’ll iron each wrinkle out to reveal a clean
and smooth sheet of words.
stay-at-home writers, ignore the nagging telephone ring, the doorbell, the friends requesting to come over for a coffee, the
dirt sitting on your coffee table, the laundry threatening to take over the entire first floor…when you sit down by
your computer to write, clear your mind and don’t allow distractions to rule this time.
sure to write every day. Did I mention this? Oh well, it’s important enough to mention again and again.
The reason for this is for you to notice some of your favorite authors' techniques, such as:
they grab their readers' interest,
way they use a lot of descriptive detail or a mixture of dialogue and descriptive passages to move the plot forward,
they describe a character’s descriptive detail,
the subplots formed to help the main plot along,
how they
get right into the action or slowly introduce and build/foreshadow what’s to come,
the inner and outer emotional conflicts are projected
most importantly, how they wrap up the conclusion.
you’re pacing the floor waiting for the postman to deliver the acceptance/rejection letter…STOP pacing and begin
writing the new project. Why waste time when that creative juice in you is so hot it’s waiting to pour words onto
paper. This is why we’re called writers because we’re ALWAYS coming down with new ideas.
you waiting for that special desk for your office? Or did you run out of computer paper? Maybe no ink in the pen? Well, there’s
a kitchen table and chair to use as a desk in the meantime…there’s looseleaf paper to use instead of computer
paper and write it longhand…and there’s always a pencil for you to use. Stop making excuses.
you believe it’s not going to happen to you, well, think again. Back up your files every week. Trust me…I know
what I’m talking about and you don’t want to be pulling out your hair like I did.
you never know when that brilliant plot or character is going to strike your creative muse so a good idea is to keep several
notebooks in various areas around your home all ready with a pen to jot down your thoughts. And yes, even the bathroom.
researching publishing houses to fit the genre you write in. A good tip is to go to your local bookstore, pick up published
books you’ve read and believe are similar to your style and genre, and check in the beginning where they mention who
the publisher is. Google it and then read their submission guidelines. The Writer’s Market annual book is another valuable
resource to have in your home library.
an online writers' group. You’ll be amazed at the resources you’ll find in there. Also, either join a critique
group or find yourself a critique buddy. It’s always smart to have someone else look over your work and guide you where
changes are needed in your manuscript that you may have missed. A second pair of eyes is always the smart way to go.
to online writers newsletters. Many are FREE and some containing exclusive markets have a small yearly fee.
your readers abreast on your newest releases, book signings and anything else pertinent to your writing career by having them
subscribe to your newsletter.
you find writing a novel too much of an effort? Then write short stories. Seek out calls for submissions for various anthology
projects put out by publishers or other writers.
the last but most important aspect is to STAY POSITIVE. There will be rejections, there will be harsh critiques, and there
will be bad reviews. From all three what you need to take away is the fact you write because you have a passion. So learn
from these rejections, critiques, and reviews and make sure you hone your craft.