A celebration of poetry written by members and friends of the MuseItUp Club. Submissions are invited for
this page.*
by Alan M. Toback
The emptiness inside of me
Lay quiet, cold and still
Awash with hollow hunger
to be filled
Afraid to feel a lover's touch
For fear my heart would break
With trembling hands,
I only looked
At what I dare not take
Fulfillment’s just outside my grasp
Like a wisp upon the wind
past my fingertips
To mock me once again
Giving up my deepest dreams
I let them fade away
No dreams to dream, no hopes ahead
live on day to day
Then a hand slipped softly over mine
A voice spoke in my ear
Whispering thoughts of dreams
The soul had longed to hear
As if a rose began to bloom
Its petals opened wide
Awakening to passion
hidden deep inside
Her gentle touch, my lover's hand
Pierced deep within my soul
Filling up the emptiness
at last, my heart was whole
© Alan M. Toback