1) Inspirational - Max Lucado - I love his writing style and one
of my friends compared
my book, "Seeds of Greatness" to him. I enjoy his rich stories.
2) Adventure - Ted Dekker
- His stories are action packed and very interesting, fast paced.
3) Historical/Adventure - James
Michener - I love the unusual settings and the historical perspectives his books display in a fictional, yet real story.
Lawyer novels - John Grisham - Great writer with a keen insight into the court of law and all that surrounds it. Stories
are very interesting and quite moving.
5) Crime novels - Michael Connelly - I love his characters
and settings.
Does this book have
a hidden meaning that readers will have to deduce at the end?
I hope that the reader learns that the ordinary person can
live an extraordinary life in Christ when God is the center of their lives. We are all destined for greatness, all of
us, but without God and His ways in our lives, we can't achieve it.
How many books have you written and if you have written more than one book, what are the subjects?
I've written and published 3 books - A children's book, a science fiction
novel, and inspirational book. I've just finished 2 plays. One was produced for Christmas,(The Night Before He
was Born) the other one is up and coming. (A Soldier's Journey to Calvary)
Also I've just finished the second editing of a military thriller to be sent to the publisher this spring.
If you could pick out anyone to read and comment on your book, whom would you pick
and why?
Steve Laabe - He a Litery Agent in Phoenix. I've heard him speak several
times and have had lunch with him and talked to him at length at the various writer's conferences. I like who he is
in Christ Jesus and I admire His stand for the Lord.
would you like to have your readers get from this book?
I'd like to see readers be encouraged to be all that God has created them to
be. To have the courage to walk in the fullness of God in faith and to achieve the dreams of their heart, as God has
destined them to do.
Have you received any special
comments back from any of your readers and can you share them with us?
One of my friends took Spirit Warrior home with him and started reading
it. He told his wife how good it was and put it down to take a shower. She picked it up and wouldn't give it back
until she was finished.
At Loaves and Fishes Bookstore in Vista, it was the top selling book
for 3 months.
Spirit Warrior won the Editor's Choice Award from Iuniverse.
Is this book part of a series? Any plans?
Yes, I've written a sequel, but need to rewrite it.
What is
your favorite part of the book?
The twists and turns throughout the book. I don't like predictable plot
lines and asked the Lord to give me twists and turns and He did.
Then I began writing scenes that I had no idea how I would get out of them and
the Lord provided the escape.
Where can you buy this book?
The book is available at my website, (peterhzindler.com) or Iuniverse.com
or Amazon.com or Barnes and Nobles bookstore.
you give us a 2-minute commercial about yourself so our audience can connect with you?
I'm a sinner saved by the Blood of Jesus Christ. I'm a husband
and father, a Vietnam veteran, a wrestling coach for Ramona High School, a director of several plays and I've faced many a
man on the wrestling mat
and off.